Course Descriptions:

HeartMind Shiatsu for the Table

March 21, 2012 — 6-9pm, $60
In this workshop, students are introduced to the HeartMind Shiastu method, adapted to a standard massage table, rather than the traditional style on a padded floor mat. Students will learn how to approach a clothed client in both prone and supine approaches, how to address energy meridians and combine powerful acu-points for deep energetic releases. Deep stretches and joint mobilization are utilized as well as proper body mechanics for incorporation into any existing massage practice.  Join us for this journey into energy-based bodywork.

Flying HeartMind Shiatsu

April 25, 2012 — 6-9pm, $60
This engaging and challenging practical course teaches the proper body mechanics and execution of leveraged lifts and specialized stretches. Students learn to move the body in a bold and confident manner to elevate the receiver off the floor and facilitate personal transformation.


Other Courses Coming in 2012:

Meridians and Personality
In this engaging three hour class we explore the relationship between meridian energetics and human personality. Various strengths and weaknesses in our meridian channels have a direct effect on the shape or our personality. Are you bold and assertive?  Think Liver, Gall Bladder.  Do you thrive on intimacy and sentimentality? Think Kidney and Heart. This course draws on the works of Masunaga, Requena, Hammer, Beinfield and Korngold to correlate Chinese Medicine with Western psychology.  A fascinating journey through the mind/body connection.

HeartMind Meridian Qigong

Qi Gong, literally, life energy cultivation involves the conscious methods of personal practice to move energy throughout the body, heartmind, and spirit. Guided movements and meditation take the student into deep connection with the energy system, promoting harmony, balance and dynamic flow.  Of particular interest is to develop awareness of the twelve regular channels, their location on the body, and their functions on all levels of Being.

HeartMind Shiatsu for the Chair
In this class we introduce the application of HeartMind Shiatsu principles and techniques in chair massage. Shiatsu literally means “finger pressure”. The art of HeartMind Shiatsu brings heartfelt presence, ease, concentration and energetic mindfulness to our bodywork practice. Participants will be introduced to the basics of the HeartMind Shiatsu Two-Hand Technique, meridian line stretching, and acu-point stimulation while working with a client seated in a massage chair.

Movement, Flow and Contact

This lively class covers the basics of the HeartMind Qi Yoga Bodywork method.  Together we explore a full range of body mechanics involved in making and maintaining heartfelt and comfortable healing contact. Inspired by the innovative healing bodywork of Masunaga, Ohashi, Thai Massage and Iyengar Yoga and grounded in Classical Chinese Medicine, students learn to create smooth flowing healing contact for enhanced well-being, both for giver and receiver.

Extraordinary Healing
This class covers the basics of the Eight Extraordinary Vessel Theory from the Classical Chinese Medicine perspective. Of special note is the extraordinary nature of the client practitioner relationship and ability to travel beyond the bounds of normal space and time to achieve healing benefit. Special exercises and descussion complement the theory of the class, shaped specifically to the needs of the students in attendance.

Loving Hearts, HeartMind Bodywork for Couples
There is an invisible chord stretched between human beings.  Across this chord there is the give and take of true sharing.  As we are able to open up to one another in intimate sharing, our hearts rejoice.  To be able to look into the eyes of your beloved and see the divine is the true art of intimacy,  and acknowledge your partner as the sacred mirror into which you gaze.  To touch each other with loving hearts in hand, with compassion and equanimity as the extraordinary human beings that you are, is the gift of HeartMind Bodywork for Couples.

Chakras & Personal Development
This class explores the chakra system of East India and its relevance to the cycles of seven and eight in human development. Of particular interest is the correlation of major life cycles with the chakras and the yin and yang linking vessels of Classical Chinese medicine. Specialized stretch positions, guided imagery and point stimulation assist in the awakening of understanding and applications for personal development.