Iron John Initiation – Journey to Genius

The Iron John Initiation – Journey to Genius
Discovering, Uncovering, Recovering, Celebrating!

A Twelve-Week Zoom Journey – with Matthew Sweigart
To register click here!

Let’s walk through Robert Bly’s, Iron John together and tease out some delicious cues…
Are you in need of:
•  A structure laid upon your amorphous, chaotic life experience
• Processes to evoke the divine masculine
• Ways to get up and live your life with dignity, integrity and genius

This work is all within your psyche. It’s just waiting for us to move through any level of initiation, at any age, to equip us to live a better life.
What can a folk tale teach us about day-to-day life? How do we move through the stages of initiation? 

Iron John provides timely guidance. And, it’s no light read! Iron John asks a lot! …and it gives a lot in return!
In the Iron John Initiation – Journey to Genius, we encounter these lessons together in the company of our fellow man.

I’m Matthew Sweigart, an MKP new warrior initiated man. I’m here to unpack Iron John with any man who is ready to step into the work of being a better man in our complex world. If you have struggled to:
• Define yourself as a man
• Discover your purpose and live your mission
• Resolve unresolved trauma
• Overcome drama triangle bullshit
• Face the negative consequences of your life choices

If you’ve always felt there must be a better way, and you are ready to find it and implement wise guidance in your daily life…

Then join us!
To register click here!

Iron John Initiation – Journey to Genius 


  • Discovering
    • Step 1 – The curse on the Wild Man
    • Step 2 – Bucketing
    • Step 3 – The Caging of the Wild Man
  • Uncovering
    • Step 4 – The Golden Ball
    • Step 5 – Stealing the Key
    • Step 6 – Running off with the Wild Man
    • Step 7 – Apprenticeship
    • Step 8 – Disillusion, Katabasis
  • Recovering 
    • Step 9 – Kitchen Work
    • Step 10 – Hunger for the King
    • Step 11- Gardening & the GodWoman
    • Step 12 – Off to Battle
    • Step 13 – Pageantry
  • Celebrating
    • Step 14 – Revelation, Integration, Celebration

To register click here!


Iron John Initiation – Journey to Genius!