Mindful Movement for Balance and Confidence!

Subscription for Online Guided Community Practice up to 4x a week!

Meridian Gesture Qigong

Broadcasting live on Zoom five times a week.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am! Tuesdays at 9am and Wednesday at 5pm
(All classes, Pacific Time.) 


Click here to Subscribe!


With Matthew Sweigart, CI


    Create more


  •   • Confidence 
                       • Vitality 
                                    • Breath   
                                                  • Balance

Take Time to…

    • Nurture your inner life…
  •    • Enjoy nourishing meals…
  •       • Eat healthy snacks…    
  •          • Stay hydrated…
  •             • Exercise consciously!
  • Watch out for dropping…
                                into that proverbial rabbit hole!


Cultivate your life energy consciously now!
With a personal exercise routine that brings you deep fulfillment!

Do you suffer from being…

  •      • unsteady on your feet…
  •              • restless…
  •                     • achy…
  •                             • stiff…
  •                                   • in a malaise… 
  •              with details keeping you awake at night…
Meridian Gesture Qigong helps you
address all these symptoms! 
With unique, timeless, beautiful movements,
breath and song practice!
Start today, and live with greater ease and joy
…day by day, season by season!

If you knew you could:

feel nourished through movement and breath!
join a warm and connected community practice!
and find yourself clear, focused and content with your life choices, aligned with your inner truth

Meridian Gesture Qigong

Mindful Movement for Balance and Confidence

Broadcasting live on Zoom five times a week.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am! Tuesdays at 9am and Wednesday at 5pm
(All classes, Pacific Time.) 

Attend live or Online!

Practice at your convenience with access to our class recordings archive

A consistent practice of Meridian Gesture Qigong promises:

to become a personal exercise and meditation practice that helps you build confidence, balance and strength!”

It’s fun, enjoyable, challenging (in a good way), deep and satisfying and it helps you bring vital life energy to every aspect of your life.

It’s not a cure-all for all your troubles, but it’s a step in the right direction. If you want new growth in your life, you need a powerful practice to help you on your way.
HeartMind Meridian Qigong practice is a time honored way to cultivate your connection to your spirit, breath, body, and support a continuous expansion of your physical well-being.

Meridian Gesture Qigong guides you with fun, enjoyable movement and breath exercises that can brighten even a gloomy day.  With regular practice, it gives you access to a sustaining source of vital, life energy. Sign up today for once, twice or three times a week guided practice, and meet your life challenges with grace and style, and energy to burn!

Meet your teacher

Matthew Sweigart, is the creator of Meridian Gesture Qigong. A Certified Asian Bodywork Therapist, his work has been shaped by more than dozen master Qigong teachers from all over the world. With many of them, he noticed a missing piece; a deep application the meridian channels and their expression, physically, mentally and spiritually. It became his passion to develop a program that would address this, and bring the power of the meridian system into your daily practice. He also enjoys a background in gymnastics, ballet, singing, musical theater and opera and has been known to pepper his classes with delightful show tunes and musical styling!

The Meridian Gesture Qigong online class brings this powerful practice to you live, online with Matthew, up to four times a week. You get direct access to Matthew’s in depth teaching and warm, caring approach to health and wellness.

His book Pathways of Qi, and his Meridian Gestures and Functions Chart describe the system in detail, and are the perfect at home companions for the online Meridian Gesture Qigong class. If you are new to Qigong, we recommend that you take the 12 Hour Introductory video course. It provides you with an excellent foundation for the practice. Join the live video training subscription and allow this valuable system of exercise and meditation to help improve your life starting this week!

In addition to the ongoing Meridian Gesture Qigong group practice, Matthew offers various training courses and individual counseling.
Please inquire regarding scheduling and fees if you would like further study or individual attention for your unique situation.

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