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HeartMind Shiatsu

Intermediate Training
Classical Chinese Medicine


Intermediate students take an exciting journey into the marvelous world of multiple points of contact using hands, elbows, knees and feet, developing masterful manual floor-based bodywork skills centered in insightful HeartMind awareness. In the intermediate level, an in-depth study of Classical Chinese Medical theory imbues the practice with depth, range and clinical effectiveness.

In addition to refining and developing mastery in a range of physical body movements, students will:

  • Master Meridian Gesture Qigong and how it promotes and fosters a healthy lifestyle to support your healing practice.
    Take a deep dive into Classical Chinese Medicine Five Element teachings, lifting the veil on the mysteries of health and balance.
  • Discover the energetics of authentic character and personality development so that you can live from your true self, and support others to do the same.
  • Study wisdom traditions and approaches to heal from trauma that has robbed you of living a fully functional life.
  • Learn traditional healing dietary principles and approaches to integrate the essentials of balanced nutrition into a healing lifestyle.
  • Master the art of the graceful dance, elegant movements and natural essence of HeartMind Shiatsu to heal yourself and all whom you touch.
  • Clinically apply all learned skills on real clients, with expert guidance in our Supervised Student Clinic.
  • Develop skills of client attraction and practice management to lay the foundation for a fulfilling and satisfying career in the healing arts.
  • Identify your unique and particular gifts as a healing artist, and the special populations with whom you have the greatest affinity and desire to help

The HeartMind Shiatsu Intermediate Training brings you 150 hours of classical education in four five-day immersion weekends, offered every other month, over seven months.

Recieving four one-hour private sessions and participating in two, three-hour, small group tutorials complete the requirements to pass the Intermediate level of training.


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Intermediate Training:


  • Master the HeartMind Meridian Qigong sequence
  • Apply knowledge of Five Element Interactions to treatment protocols
  • Meridians and five element assessment and treatment
  • Nutrition principles to guide healthy choices in the kitchen
  • Refine and master Body/Mind/Spirit Mechanics of floor-based technique
  • Faculty Supervisied Student Clinics



  • YinYang and the Five Elements of Nutrition
  • Five Element Creation and Control dynamic interaction
  • Introduction to personality and temperament as a function of meridians and five elements
  • Classical Chinese Medicine syndromes and patterns.

Entry to the Intermediate Level Training

All current students and alumni who have successfully completed Basic Training may apply to continue their study with the Intermediate Level training. For students in the full training track, new application is not necessary. A student/teacher conference prior to Intermediate Training is required to clarify intentions, set clear directions and assure success for the student on their learning path ahead!


Intermediate Video

201 – Meridian Extensions, Six Divisions, Eight Temperaments

heartmind-training1Students deepen their work with Masunaga Zen Shiatsu through study and palpation of the Masunaga Meridian Extension system in the context of the classical Six Divisions of Yin and Yang in body, mind and spirit. We explore various manifestations of yin and yang, especially as expressed through Kyo/Jitsu theory as it creatively describes the changes and transformations that occur in any natural system throughout time and space. The recognition of the stages of transformation in any living system leads to powerful insights into health and balance. Students learn to treat deficiencies or excesses in any Element or Meridian Pathway through any other Element or Meridian Pathway as a function of Creation and Control Cycle and compensation dynamics. This theory of personal transformation is applied to both the physical and psycho-spiritual body.


  • Meridian Qigong for personal health and treatment
  • Masunaga Meridian Extensions and Six Divisional Zones of the Body
  • Refinement of Mother/Messenger Hand Technique
  • Meridian Energy Tonification and Sedation methods
  • Cross-patterned Movement Styles and Applications
  • Supervised Clinical Experience


  • Deepening grasp of Hara and Meridian Assessement
  • Six Divisions and Eight Temperaments
  • Kyo/Jitsu Compensation Patterns
  • Creation and Control Cycle Dynamic Expressions

By understanding the interactive dynamics of Yin Yang and the Five Elements, students learn to treat deficiencies or excesses in any Element through any other Element as a function of Creation and Control Cycle dynamics. In 201 – Meridian Extensions, Six Divisions, Eight Temperaments, we explore the application of this personal transformation theory to both the physical and psycho-spiritual body.

Required Learning Materials

          • Zen Shiatsu, Masunaga
          • Character and Health, Raquena


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202Classical Chinese Medicine Patterns and Syndromes

In this level, students learn the rich and detailed tapestry of human wellness through an in-depth study of Classical Chinese Medicine. The discernment of External Pernicious Influences, Internal Endogenous Causes of Dis-ease, Five Fundamental Substances and Spiritual Essences and the use of Eight Principles Assessment and Treatment methodology highlight this immersion study. Topics are covered through a lively combination of guided meditation, selected readings, lecture and discussion and intermediate level HeartMind Shiatsu techniques that bring them alive in the body. Traditional tongue and pulse assessment are introduced as classical tools for discernment of signs and symptoms. Practical discovery of various patterns and effective clinical strategies for treatment are explored. Supervised Clinical Practice throughout this level leads to a refinement of skill and increasing treatment room confidence.




  • Supervised Clinical Practice
  • Eight Principles Pattern Recognition for Classical Syndromes
  • Treatment methods for promoting harmonic energy patterns
  • Sharpening Clinical Note-taking skills


  • Five Fundamental Substances of the Human Being
  • Causes of Disease from the perspective of Classical Chinese Medicine
  • Common Syndromes and their Classical Treatment
  • External Pernicious Influences
  • Internal Endogenous Causes

 Required Learning Materials

          • The Web that Has No Weaver, Kaptchuck
• The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Macciocia (highly recommended, not required)

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203 – Kitchen Alchemy

This course provides a thorough introduction to the alchemy of Oriental Medicine as it applies to diet and nutrition. With an eye toward contemporary nutritional approaches, students learn the energetic and physiological effects of food for physical wellness and stamina. Promoting healthy eating habits with the powerful application of Classical Chinese Medicine theory as it relates to dietary choices profoundly supports the overall organic health of all bodily systems. As a special treat, students will learn how to assess major dietary challenges, and how to help coach clients through changing their diets through creating healthy and tasty culinary choices.

Lively lectures and discussions as well as recipes and food preparation secrets will highlight the class. Kitchen homework assignments as well as creating dietary counseling handouts, will help the students with specific application of the teachings of Kitchen Alchemy.


This course includes:

  • Learn Chinese Medicine energetics for common foods and food groups
  • Understand effects of various foods on organ systems and other body functions
  • Have an ability to review and critically analyze research and articles about food
  • Be able to create custom dietary plans and general information handouts for clients
  • Have a familiarity with major modern diets and some of their strengths and follies
  • Consider the mental/emotional side of food, eating, and changing eating habits

Required Learning Materials
          • Recipes for Self Healing, Legget


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204 – Intermediate Clinical Applications

In Intermediate Clinical Applications, we do the work of bringing this vast body of knowledge together to develop depth and grounding in your bodywork therapy practice. Where the Acupuncturist uses needles, we use our hands (and elbows, knees, feet) and most importantly, our heart, to connect with the Qi in our clients and assist them to heal deeply. Students develop the skills of reading and supporting energy levels for the transformation of negative patterns, facilitated through the medium of touch. “Advanced Class Projects” are assigned, with students picking a special area of focus for their practice of HeartMind Shiatsu. Class projects will be presented during 304 – Advanced training. By completion of the Intermediate Level, students possess a solid connection to their bodywork, grounded in sound and practical Eastern holistic healing theory, technique and philosophy.

The focus of Intermediate Clinical Applications is an experiential review and refinement of all the course work to date. By completion, you will have a solid and secure connection to the work and be in the process of developing the practice-building skills essential for a successful career as a HeartMind Shiatsu practitioner.


By the end of the Intermediate level students possess:

  • Deep and effective physical skills with the techniques of HeartMind Shiatsu
  • Powerful connection to Taoist Qi Cultivation practices supported by the theoretical knowledge base of Classical Chinese Medicine
  • Access to intuitive sensitivity to the balance of Qi
  • Stability, Strength, Courage, Confidence, Flow and Freedom with the HeartMind Shiatsu method
  • The skills to be a Community Practice Leader of Meridian Gesture Qigong

    By the completion of the Intermediate Level we plant the seeds for the Advanced Training. You are now solidly on the path to complete the fulfillment of your dream to be a career healing arts professional. In the Advanced Training, we will help you develop your practice through a deep inquiry into the nature of Source Energy and Destiny.

Recommended Further Reading
          • Dragon Rises, Redbird Flies, Hammer
Nourishing Destiny, Jarrett


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