Small Group Tutorials
An essential, and piercingly effective aspect of HeartMind Shiatsu training is the Small Group Tutorial. In Small Group Tutorials, two to four students meet with the instructor for three hours. During this three hour class, the students work directly with any aspect of the training with which they are challenged. The purpose of the tutorial is not to test the student’s grasp, but to offer support and encouragement by finding where they may be struggling and providing them with immediate and insightful direct feedback. During the tutorial, students will work on the instructor as well as fellow students for supervision, guidance and support. This provides a personalized and concentrated learning environment where direct feedback and transmission of essential technical refinements offers an exponential leap forward in the student’s understanding and skill acquisition. Students leave a tutorial empowered, inspired and eager for more! Five Small Group Tutorials are required over the course of the training, one during Basic, and two during both Intermediate and Advanced. These are scheduled outside of regular classroom hours, and the cost is included in the program tuition.