Mission Quest – Initiation Journey


Transcend your biography!
Discover who you are, and what you are here to do. 

In a 6 moon journey we explore what it means to cross three rivers – of Blood, Scorpions and Pus, and pass through six houses – of Dark, Cold, Hungry Jaguars, Bats, Blades and Fire. We use the powers and virtues of five more houses – of Unconditional Love, Joy, Discipline, Kindness, and Compassion. We understand the rivers and houses are governed by the lords of life and death. As such, we enter with our eyes wide open.



Transcend your biography!
Discover who you are, and what you are here to do. 

2000+ years ago the Mayan Jaguar Shamans of EkBalam spoke of the “Journey to Xibalba.” The mythical source of all life. In vivid they detailed the quest, and the trials that one would face on the journey. Today, our journey mirrors their description. The “prophecy” drips with insight into the challenges we face, day to day in today’s world. By studying this vision and applying it to our life, we come into possession of power tools to shape our mission.

In a 6 moon journey we explore what it means to cross three rivers – of Blood, Scorpions and Pus, and pass through six houses – of Dark, Cold, Hungry Jaguars, Bats, Blades and Fire. We use the powers and virtues of five more houses – of Unconditional Love, Joy, Discipline, Kindness, and Compassion. We understand the rivers and houses are governed by the lords of life and death. As such, we enter with our eyes wide open.

Our Guide, Matthew Sweigart is NOT a Mayan scholar or researcher. He is grateful to the Mayan people for leaving this legacy for us to explore. Matthew is an interpreter with broad ecumenical and scholarly training in the United States. He is a trained Shiatsu Therapist, who has explored the profound philosophies of Classical Taoist Chinese Medicine. He has also completed twelve vision quests styled upon the indigenous life-ways of the Lakota people. He brings his personal and professional experience and sensibility to the journey of discovery prompted by the visionary prophecy of the Mayan Jaguar Shamans of EkBalam.

In the course we discover how to:
• Break free from Isolation
• Connect with All That Is
• Strengthen our Vertical Awareness
• Build healthy horizontal interpersonal bridges
• Keep our boundaries intact
• Practice Ho’oponopono
• Process Intensity with Grace and Attunement
• Break the Victim Narrative
* Become grounded, centered, confident, careful, skillful, graceful, whole

The course come complete with teachings, guided meditations, exercises and activities to drop into what it means to be human and rise to meet and triumph over each challenge that greets us.

What’s included
• Two pre-recorded classes broadcast each moon cycle (with New Moon and First Quarter Moon)
• Daily prompts for personal inquiry
• PDF guidebooks
• Live Q&A around that moon’s focus content; with meet, greet, share, and receive, one-on one coaching and break out sessions. Held at or around Full Moon each month. (Offered at two times, one morning one evening to accommodate a variety of schedules)
• Email support
• Daily power boost, healing light meditation transmitted to all participants

• Weekly Live Qigong Practice Classes
• Private Heart Chamber Meditation
• Inner Smile and Small Heavenly Circle Meditations
• Seven Directions Meditation


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