Mp4 Digital Video Courses

Mp4 digital video courses

Showing all 4 results

  • Meridians 12 Qigong, One Hour Mp4 Video Class


    Meridians 12 Qigong, One Hour Mp4 Video Class


    Get started today, with a daily practice that awakens your life energy flow, and can dramatically transform your health and wellness! Sleep better, relieve pain and discomfort, feel awake and alert without stimulants and their dangerous side-effects!

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  • Meridian Tapping


    Meridian Tapping


    This seven lesson video program guides you through the invigorating self-care technique of Meridian Tapping, safe, easy, and all natural method for liberating your healing energy! Learn the complete Meridian Tapping method in a series of inspiring videos with Matthew Sweigart, CI, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the body’s energy field.

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  • Meridians 12 Qigong, Level 1


    Meridians 12 Qigong, Level 1



    Follow along and discover the inner depths of the Meridian system. Discover and develop the powerful and dynamic Six Stage Journey to Self-Realization and Empowerment. Inspiring, informative and creative, Meridian Gesture Qigong offers a reliable path to inner peace, prosperity, joy and wellness. Join Matthew Sweigart and the class of 2014, in this beautiful flowing 12 hour study of the ancient Qigong foundations. Learn modern applications to relieve stress, build stamina, develop inner peace and courage, resolve long standing issues and challenges in life and health. Join a community of learners dedicated to spreading this powerful message of peace and unconditional love to the world. Start with your self, share it with your friends and loved ones. Let’s make the world a more loving place filled with empowered, liberated people experiencing vibrant health and joy.

    This is a digital download delivered directly to your email inbox upon purchase!


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  • Vital Awakening! Meridian Gesture Qigong


    Vital Awakening! Meridian Gesture Qigong


    Build and maintain your vitality and stamina in these 12 Master Class lessons with Matthew Sweigart, CI, creator of Meridian Gesture Qigong. Discover how you can directly improve the functions of all your vital systems in body, mind and spirit!

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