Meridians 12 Qigong, Level 1



Follow along and discover the inner depths of the Meridian system. Discover and develop the powerful and dynamic Six Stage Journey to Self-Realization and Empowerment. Inspiring, informative and creative, Meridian Gesture Qigong offers a reliable path to inner peace, prosperity, joy and wellness. Join Matthew Sweigart and the class of 2014, in this beautiful flowing 12 hour study of the ancient Qigong foundations. Learn modern applications to relieve stress, build stamina, develop inner peace and courage, resolve long standing issues and challenges in life and health. Join a community of learners dedicated to spreading this powerful message of peace and unconditional love to the world. Start with your self, share it with your friends and loved ones. Let’s make the world a more loving place filled with empowered, liberated people experiencing vibrant health and joy.

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hmbw-about-slider-1Meridians 12 Qigong, Level 1
12 hour mp4 Home Study Program
Table of Contents:

Lesson 1 – Full Practice Set
This lesson brings you through a full one hour guided practice of a typical Meridians 12 Qigong Class. The kind of class you can learn to teach and share with your community.

Lesson 2 – Warming Up and Getting Centered
Warm up and get centered with Rapping on the Destiny Gate, Rolling Joints, Free Shaking and the Seven Directions Meditation.

Lesson 3- Alignment Principles
Learn the fundamentals of alignment principles through Plie, Releve, Wuji and aligning with the Non-dual realm. Discover your own secret code, the key to Qigong Breathing and open the Small Heavenly Circle.

Lesson 4 – The Meridian Medicine Wheel.
The Metal Element – Your Personal Boundaries
Step 1 – affirming healthy boundaries and interpersonal exchange
Discover the Ameba Life Cycle metaphor applied to life and relationships. Learn the key to understanding your circadian rhythm through the One Meridian Flow. Brush and Tap the 12 Meridians and enter the Meridian Medicine Wheel with Forming Your Cell Wall, the Metal Element. Learn Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Lung and Large Intestine.

Lesson 5 – The Earth Element – Appetite, Life Sustaining Action

Step 2 – nourishing your inner being
The ancient practice of Polishing the Stone and the 60/40 Stance lead you into the foundation study of the Earth Element and your organic path to taking Life Sustaining Action. In this lesson we learn the Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Stomach and Spleen Pancreas.

Lesson 6 – The Sovereign Fire – Awakening to Inner Truth
Step Three – Self Realization
Introducing the year long Meridians 12 Qigong Teacher Training Program. This ongoing program provides you with all the coaching, support and hands on training experiences you need to fully integrate the practice of Meridians 12 Qigong in your daily life and to successfully build a practice teaching the form to your community. Discover for yourself your personal truth. Explore in this important guided meditation that which is most important to you in your life, and how to hold that. Learn the Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Heart and Small Intestine.

gesturelayoutLesson 7 – Full Practice Set
Having built important foundations in the first 6 lessons, we revisit the full set and practice a full one hour set. This stand alone class will give you a deep experience of Meridians 12 Qigong and the beauty and depth of a full one hour practice set. You are skillfully guided by Matthew through a full Warm-Up, a deep Wuji practice, Radiant Heart Gesture, Palms Holding Heaven, Pressing Earth, Pulsing the Qi and the Meridians 12 Gesture sequence. This complete practice guaranteed to invigorate, balance and inspire.

Lesson 8 – The Water Element – Your Deepest Innermost Feelings about Life and Death
Step 4 – Self Preservation and Renewal
Learn the Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Bladder and Kidney and discover compassion in action. Find the harmony of Heaven and Earth and a powerful practice to heal the jing/shen split of post traumatic stress and anxiety. Develop a reliable path to inner peace, personal safety and fulfillment.

Lesson 9 – Stance Training
Take a deep breath. We’ve covered a lot of ground. Take a pause to take it all in and learn an ancient Kung Fu Stance Training set. Passed down through Sifu Kamyun this set will build strength and stamina, leading to courage and from your developing courage you can realize life’s rewards.

Lesson 10 – Ministerial Fire – Protecting Your Preciousness
Step 5 – The Warmth of Clan and Culture
Continuing our walk around the wheel we enter the realm of Ministerial Fire. We explore the inner workings of the heart and find the heart of hearts for a deep connection to personal identity and the strength that gives us for our life within our clan and culture. The Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Pericardium and Triple Warmer give us entry into a deep practice for optimal self care and centered living based in personal truth.

Lesson 11 – The Wood Element – Standing up for What you Believe
Step 6 – The Right to Choose
There are many  paths in life. Our task as humans to pick a path and follow it, come what may. All the previous work of our walk around the Meridian Medicine Wheel has led us to this ultimate point. Can you stand in your truth with ease, strength and integrity? In the face of many pressures this is a deeply cultivated practice. The Meridians 12 Qigong movements for Gall Bladder and Liver help you develop your gall, your nerve and your balanced vision for your life.

Lesson 12 – Overview, Review, Public Testimony
This final lesson features the student experience in their own words. The epic journey through the Meridians 12 Qigong Level 1 culminates in an hour of heart-felt sharing from each student, with student led practice of the entire Meridian Gesture Sequence. The keystone is set in place, the arch is formed, the circle complete. The Journey has begun!


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