Join The Holistic Healthcare Revolution!

Free HMS Demonstration Evening

January 26, 6-8pm
With the faculty of the HeartMind Shiatsu Professional Training

Bodywork Bistro, Living Arts Center

Make 2017 the year you take a giant leap forward on your healing arts journey!

Come learn about the holistic touch therapy training that everyone is talking about! See a live demonstration, receive a free sample session, learn about national certification in the rewarding profession of Asian Bodywork Therapy, and find out the details about training to become a Certified HeartMind Shiatsu Therapist

The start of a new year always comes in with a fresh wave of energy, inspiration, possibility. To complete an entire annual cycle, and give yourself that fresh start is exciting and invigorating. At HeartMind Bodywork, we are excited to take the joys, lessons, discoveries and growth of the past 6 years in Boulder, and enter into 2017 with the exciting prospect of launching our 500 hour professional HeartMind Shiatsu training.

Spurred on by the desire to get our graduates recognized and fully certified at the national level in Asian Bodywork Therapy, we’ve expanded our programming and laid out an exciting training calendar. Beginning in March 2017 our newest offering of our Basic Training will also be the start of our full 500 hour Professional Training.

Explore this website to learn more about our program, and come to our Free HMS Demonstration Evening, January 5th, and discover first hand how HeartMind Shiatsu training could be the right next step for you.

Make 2017 the year you take a giant leap forward on your healing arts journey!


HeartMind BodyWork

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